Simon 洗礼见证

Hello everyone, my name is Simon Zhang or Zhang Rui in Chinese, and today I am getting baptized. While I am only 16, I believe my journey was not short and has forever touched me and brought me closer to God.  

My journey began even before I was born. My mother used to learn the Bible at the International Christian Fellowship  (ICF) with Grandma Kathy and Grandpa David who are present today. Both of them are pious and faithful Christians. David used to be the leader of ICF.  When I was born, Grandma Kathy was the first one outside my family to visit me at the Grey Nuns Hospital, even though I was too little to know at that time. Ever since that, my family always got invited to Kathy and David’s house to celebrate Christmas and Easter every single year. Both my sister and I receive birthday gifts and cards from Kathy and David every year. 

When I was a primary school student, I studied at St. Monica and St. Mary school. We studied the Bible, and learnt about God and how much he loves us all. My parents, unbelieving in Christ at the time, still supported my decision in seeking God, which I will always appreciate.

Before COVID-19, I attended Edmonton Christian Community Church(ECCC). I must thank our friends, the Xu family, for bringing me to church initially, they will always be in my heart for introducing me to the house of God. From church, I learned so much about God and eventually came to love God and embrace God in my heart. Every Friday when I attended church I love to read His word and try to embrace the meaning. He has made me a better person without a doubt.

I am thankful for not being baptized at birth, If I were, I couldn’t have made this special choice by myself. These life experiences of mine only bolstered my faith in God and today I have chosen to take the next step in my spiritual journey. 

I also want to thank many people for being so supportive during my journey and encouraging me along the way. My parents have been so supportive of me, thank you Grandma Kathy and Grandpa David for introducing our family to Jesus many years ago and keeping us in your prayer always, and the Xu family for bringing me to church. I am also very happy and excited to be baptized with auntie Annie today.

This is my next step in becoming closer to God and I thank you all for being here to witness it. 

Lucy (李维娟) 洗礼见证


直到这个疫情开始,如果我想说要感谢这个疫情,相信大家都不喜欢听,但是,我还是要感谢,因为这个疫情我才知道,在我没认识主的时候他就先爱了我,他拣选了Annie. 让Annie 把我带到他面前……Annie 她是我的客人,而且是一位非常漂亮的女客人,在帮她美发时我们是无话不谈,因为在疫情期间,很自然地问起她的近况,她告诉我这段时间正和一群姐妹在读圣经,同时也很有感触地说,她因学习圣经中神的话语,让她每一天都感觉到平安、喜乐,听着她那智慧和充满正能量的话语,我感觉到她彻底的变了……曾经有很多客人和身边的朋友向我传过福音和有关于主耶稣的神迹,我都没感动过,但当我听到Annie 姐妹的感言和她那藏不住发自内心的喜悦时,我深深的感动了,迫不及待地想加入这个大家庭中去。很自然,当她热情地邀请我参加启发课程时,我毫不犹豫答应参加了,我感恩Annie. 让我有机会加入了Julie 带领的启发课程,在学习期间,让我深深的感受到Julie 怀着一颗热情、虔诚侍奉神的心,毫无保留地把神的爱传给我们,同时和姐妹们的学习和分享,每一堂课程都让我很有收获和兴奋,让我情不自禁的想去多了解一点、再多了解一点……,慢慢的我发现我的心真的打开了, 很快我也做了决志祷告决志信主了……但是在接下来不断学习的过程中, 我发现我有时候信心很足,但有的时候变的很弱,有的时候离主近,有的时候又似乎离主远。。。主仿佛能看到我的内心里的软弱,主真的是很爱我,把很多那么好的基督徒的姐妹们带到我的生命里,其中还有一位我的好朋友谭妙玲姐妹,常常关心我,几乎是隔一天就给我打电话,来关心我!并且和我分享圣经里的知识,帮助我解答我心里的疑惑!也常常为我祷告!我真的很感恩!我知道今天之所以能站在这里当着众人的面来为主耶稣见证和接受受洗,是因为神为我预备了这么多好姐妹们来帮助我!











Annie Hongmei Friedel 受洗见证

弟兄姊妹们主日平安!我是ANNIE HONGMEI FRIEDEL, 在信靠耶稣基督之前,我是一个表面柔软但内心刚硬且特别主观的人,所以在性格上有很多缺陷。因此刚来加拿大,在这里一切从新开始的时候,继续以国内的血性的生活方式来处理人际关系和对待工作态度,因此生活一团糟。





  大家平安,我是徐婷,现在住在Edmonton北面的一个小镇上.。其实20年前移民到多伦多的时候我就带着孩子去了家门口的教堂,也第一次知道了圣父圣子圣灵三位一体这个词。每次听到敬拜的赞歌,心里就充满了无比的平安,而且看到那些老基督徒的谦卑和心中的喜乐就很羡慕。其实当时带孩子去教堂的原因是觉得自己这辈子已经被从小受的教育洗脑了,肯定没希望了,要是孩子能有个信仰,将来可以有依靠就好了。可能是因为去的是英语教堂,而且孩子当时太小,就没什么时间去了解圣经。后来因为我丈夫工作的原因我们搬到了现在的小镇上。罗 8:28 中说 “我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱 神的人得益处”,因为搬家的原因机缘巧合的认识了也要搬家到Edmonton的李翔、李强一家,并且两家人成为了好朋友。我真是一路看着李翔姐妹在信主后的改变和变化,也看到她的家庭关系,夫妻关系越来越和谐,就觉得她很有福气,但是也没觉得和自己有什么关系。

    我搬到了只有一万多人口的小镇上,也试过带孩子去教堂,但是可能这边的教堂和原来的教堂有太多不一样,孩子们拒绝去,我自己也就放弃了。非常艰难的找到了现在的工作,由于自己以前从来没做过这种现场的工作就觉得压力非常大,而且每天要单程开一个小时才能到,就觉得自己很辛苦,身心疲惫,心里充满了愁苦劳烦。忧虑自己的工作,紧张孩子的学习,担忧孩子在外地的生活等等,尽管有丈夫的体贴和孩子们的理解,但是总觉得自己内心没有根基。但是感谢神,去年十月李翔邀请我参加了网上的启发课程,使我认识了这位公义、慈爱、信实的神,也慢慢地学会了祷告,并且参加了背经小组,更是学习了基督生平的课程。太:11:28中说 “凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。” 通过祷告,我慢慢地学会了仰望交托, 每次祷告之后,就觉得内心充满了平安。现在每天去上班都带着喜乐感恩的心,特别是在路况很滑, 能见度很差的冬天开车,每天都能感受到主的恩典和保守,现在早晨上班的路上听我们星光教会的晨祷,晚上回家的路上会背背每天的经文作业已经成为我生活中的一部分。并且会在祷告中把孩子的事、家里的事、工作中的事都仰望交托给我们的主。特别是今年五月份因为赶不上父亲的葬礼而没有回国的我,十月份却意外接到了妈妈病危的消息,可是签证已经过期了,当时愧疚、自责、恐惧、害怕各种情绪充斥着我,我就祷告求神医治妈妈,求神能给我平安,我又告诉了李翔姐妹,她和医治小组的兄弟姐妹们,背经小组的姐妹们,基督生平的老师和同学们都为妈妈祷告,雅5:16 中说 “ 义人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的。” 感谢主, 妈妈平安地出院了。一切的荣耀都归于我们这位有慈爱怜悯、医治大能的神。

    我想大家可能知道, 我们教会其实原定的是上周12月19日施洗,但是因为我的女儿们要12月23日才回来,所以我就很犹豫,但是感谢那垂听祷告的神,也谢谢星光教会决定把日期改到了今天,使我的全家都能来到这里,来参加今天的盛宴。感谢主拣选了我,也圆了我20年前的梦成为基督徒。

    在这里特别感谢给我传福音的李翔姐妹,谢谢姐妹的引导和带领,也谢谢我们背经小组的姐妹们,玉容、苗苗、娟玉、兰玉,叶微、友文,基督生平课亲爱的王颖组长、我的老师和同学们,团契小组的姐妹,我们的晓玲传道,谢谢你们一路的鼓励、支持和帮助,也感恩能与你们一同走天路,能加入星光这个有爱的大家庭。也要谢谢我的丈夫冯先生的支持,每次一提“我要团契了”,“我要下楼写作业了”,得到的回答永远是“你去吧,这儿的事儿你甭管了”  谢谢我亲爱的家人们,感谢主。

“我知道我向你們所懷的意念, 是賜平安的意念, 不是降災禍的意念, 要叫你們末後有指望.”


去年的九月底, 當我剛從喪夫的陰霾中走出來, 正試圖振作開始我新的工作時, 兒子過完暑假後一直喊腳痛, 後來他的腳腫起來了, 找了住家附近的腳科醫生檢查, 一照 X 光, 不得了了, 兒子的小腿的骨頭有一大塊陰影, 醫生說他從沒有看過這樣的情況, 要我們去照MRI, 在醫生的熱心安排下第二天就去照MRI, 確定是骨癌, 當我知道時, 真是晴天霹靂,心中一直想起經文: “我知道我向你們所懷的意念, 是賜平安的意念, 不是降災禍的意念, 要叫你們末後有指望.”耶29:11), 但我實在不明白?

當天晚上正好教會有禱告會, 跟弟兄姐妹提到Daniel的情況後, 大家為我們家迫切地禱告, 禱告後原本傷痛的心就安靜下來. 想到問為什麼也於事無補, 先趕緊治療要緊. 但該找誰?很奇妙地, 我家附近的腳醫生DR Schaengold 特別熱心, 他試著跟骨科有名的專科醫生聯絡, 也跟我的家庭醫生及兒童醫院聯絡. 因為有他的幫忙, 我們很快地都約到會診的時間. 感謝神, 十月一日我新工作的保險卡及時下來, 正好我與醫生的會診時可用到, 接著該找誰看呢? 專科的名醫? 還是大醫院呢? 後來與兒童醫院的醫師談過之後, 兒子決意要在兒童醫院, 因為兒童醫院有一整個團隊相互配搭, 很感恩的是兒子十七歲 , 還在兒童醫院接納的範圍內, 若他再大一點, 兒童醫院也不可能收他. 於是我們很快地在十月四日就做了組織切片及一系列的檢查, 確診了是骨癌, 並且同樣的癌細胞在肺部也有. 很快地就跟醫生確定了整個治療計劃. 共有十八次的化療, 及兩次開刀. 十月中就開始化療的治療.

有天早上靈修時, 神藉著聖經以賽亞書57:18”我看見他所行的道, 也要醫治他, 又要引導他, 使他和那一同傷心的人, 再得安慰.” 使我深受鼓舞, 我知道 神要醫治Daniel.

教會的弟兄姐妹在得知Daniel 得癌症的事, 都很關心, 不論老少, 常為我們禱告, 小組的弟兄姐妹, 在我家查經班的姐妹們, 為我們辦好多次的禱告會, 教會的禱告會, 週報中更是每次都提名為Daniel 禱告. 在我家查經班的姐妹們更是把我們家的難處當作自家的難處, 有姐妹因著我要上班幫我打理家裡, 還有位慕道的朋友每次我到醫院, 她都來陪伴我, 而她剛好也是一位有執照的翻譯, 又有醫學的背景剛好補上我的不足.有時我無法請假, 她會帶Daniel看病, 教會的弟兄姐妹在兒子治療期間為我們預備飯食, 我們家冰箱, 常常是爆滿的, 後來實在吃不了, 就請大家不用再預備了, 但仍有許多姐妹為我們預備高湯, 冷凍餃子, 餛飩 .方便我隨時需要就可以有東西吃, 來探望的親友們更是不計其數, 兒子學校的同學, 他一些課外活動的團體, 教會青年團契的牧師, 輔導們, 同工們, 我所認識的教會弟兄姐妹們, 朋友們, 大家常常關心我們, 為我們代禱, 寫卡片,送禮物, 禮金等等, Daniel 成了醫院最熱門的病人, 有時來訪者還得排隊進入.我們成了最會勞師動眾的病人.實在是看到神恩典的預備. 用團團的愛包圍我們. 其中在兒子要切除他的小腿前, 我們聽說有一個醫治特會, 一些弟兄姐妹在百忙中,還請假帶我們前往Port orchid 很遠的地方參加特會, 但很特別的是當天講員因外州有風雪, 無法上飛機而沒有出現, 雖有些失望, 但卻因此確認整個醫療就是神的醫治預備, 不是用特殊的方式.但在其中神讓我看見弟兄姐妹們的愛心, 他們就像聖經中抬攤子的朋友一般地熱切, 真是令人感動.

另外, 我工作上可以請家人有醫療需要的假六十天, 但請假日是不支薪的, 同事們就捐了他們的假期給我, 讓我不用扣錢. 我小心使用這些假期放在兒子與醫師的門診, 而每次化療要住院, 就請弟兄姐妹幫忙先送兒子前往, 我下了班再過去. 而每次的代課都順利地找到人代理, 真是感恩.

在課業方面, 學校也允許兒子用一些替代方案完成所需要的學分, 以致他可以順利地從高中畢業,在申請大學的事上, 神也為他預備, 他申請了四間學校, 每間學校都給他入學的機會, 後來他順利地被華大錄取.

在Daniel 治療期間, 初期化療並沒有造成他太多的不適, 他照樣胃口很好, 血項都保持在一定的水準.神也特別看顧他,不但給他最好的病房, 也 給他一個正面積極的心, 後來開刀截肢之後, 身體情況大輻下降, 其間還發生感染, 幸好在看診時, 一些症狀出現, 因為人已在醫院即時處理醫治, 雖在ICU住了一個晚上, 但後來感染得到控制, 真是不幸中的大幸, 也讓我們深深體會, 人是何等脆弱, 我們怎可以離了神的恩典!感謝神的保守看顧, Daniel 渡過了他最痛苦的治療過程, 手術後, 腳神經的疼痛是最難熬的, 為了止痛真是每天服下一大把的藥, 期間化療還是得持續地進行, 若不是神的保守, 真是很難挺得住, 神一直看顧我們, 藉著弟兄姐妹的代禱, 關心, 看望托住我們, 因著這許多的愛, 讓我們不覺得日子難捱, 我常告訴Daniel要數算神的恩典, 也因此常讓我們心懷感恩, 因為實在是承受太多的愛. 感謝神幫助Daniel 一直都很正面, 他也很努力地學習怎樣使用拐杖, 輪椅等工具. 神也保守他, 沒有因為他失去一隻腳而變得羞怯, 他還是如往常一樣出入公共場所, 一點也不擔心外人的眼光. 學校的一些主要活動, 像是Senior year 的 home coming , prom, 畢業典禮, 他拧著拐杖照常參加即或畢業典禮時, 他才剛完成肺部的手術. 在神的保守下他穿上了義肢及拐杖到台上領取了自己的高中畢業證書. 而他的義肢則是許多人愛心損贈, 保險及醫院的幫助, 真是神的預備是那麼地豐豐富富. 超過我們所求所想. 

有朋友常對我說:”你怎麼好像都不擔心! “ 其實不是我不擔心, 而是神是如此眷顧我們 ,把很多事都安排好了, 我根本不用擔心. 神讓我看到祂的慈愛沒有離開我, 神平安的約也不遷移. 過去我常經歴神在安定中的平安, 這一次我經歴到了神的另一種平安, 就是風雨中的平安, 雖然難處再大, 但有神同在, 就不擔心, 不害怕的平安. 神真是孤兒寡婦的主.感謝讚美神! 雖然以後的路還很長遠,但我知道靠著那加給我力量的, 我已得勝有餘!
麗荃 筆 2018 7 20

Kevin’s Testimony


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God has led me through to follow his pathway and has shown me plenty of miracles throughout my school year in terms of academics, financial and life, to get me to the position I’m in right now. God works in magical ways to show his miracles and his presence through holy spirit. Back in British Columbia (BC), I was an avid gamer even though bad. In summer breaks and even my first year of online university, I played game extensively on my desktop computer (PC) (Valorant, MW Warzone), especially on mobile, I played a game called Call of Duty Mobile (CODM). The reason I started playing because in March 2020, my 25,000 subs YouTube channel was hacked, and it took several months to recover. CODM gave me a sense of happiness which video production should have provided. Eventually due to unrelated external factors, I decided to quit YouTube. However, I enjoyed CODM in the few months of playing. I’ve played that game through the majority of my first year. Despite I played games frequently and competitively, it is a source of entertainment, and I still managed above average [maybe high] GPA (3.6) for first year. When class starts, I did play less games on both devices because I knew I had to control myself. Few days into the semester, I realized I need to take 5 courses instead of 4 for pharmacy requirement. I’ve only taken 4 courses in first year, and that is at home online. The transition from 4 courses to 5 is a big jump, and I decided I would stop playing games on PC. A week into Edmonton, I got a job; and they want me to work 40 hours on my first week. Realizing that, I decided to not play anything mobile or PC games for that week. The 43 hours of work and 5 courses are too much for me, I find myself struggling in class. For the second week, I asked for 15 hours of work, and they agreed, but I still struggle to catchup.

When class starts, I did play less games on both devices because I knew I had to control myself. Few days into the semester, I realized I need to take 5 courses instead of 4 for pharmacy requirement. I’ve only taken 4 courses in first year, and that is at home online. The transition from 4 courses to 5 is a big jump, and I decided I would stop playing games on PC. A week into Edmonton, I got a job; and they want me to work 40 hours on my first week. Realizing that, I decided to not play anything mobile or PC games for that week. The 43 hours of work and 5 courses are too much for me, I find myself struggling in class. For the second week, I asked for 15 hours of work, and they agreed, but I still struggle to catchup.

The way CODM works is that there is a battle pass system where you reach certain tier you get all the in-game rewards, and that is the bare minimum, there are more incentive to play the game for rewards. In BC, I would have the time to finish the battle pass and a lot more tasks. But not with the current condition here, I still want to get the rewards. So, I devised a way to play the game in the background and touch my screen every minute to prevent me from kicked out of the game. This way I could watch lectures and level up my game without playing the game. This seemed like a great plan as I could multitask, but I’m not sure if God liked that. He didn’t.

On the second week of work, I only had 15 hours compared to 43 last week, but I have to catch up on what I missed last week, I need to watch a lot of recorded videos, which gives a perfect opportunity to play the game in the background. I have a reliable income, not so busy work, and managing school and games, I thought it’s going to be a great year; at work, one of the managers said I was doing a great job. On a Saturday, I left the game in background and played extensively, while went through a lot of missed lecture materials, I don’t feel like anything is wrong next day.

The following Sunday, when I woke up, I saw the message that I got terminated at work, for no reason, no explanation, randomly out of nowhere. Then everything started to fall apart after that. To be clear, the reason that I got terminated is because of God’s plan, to put it in human’s analytical perspective, it’s completely bullshit, no reasons why, no warnings, everything was going well and then it occurred out of nowhere. A reasonable human being would not come to a conclusion at all, but with God, it is his plan, and his plan is always righteous, and I believe it is best for me.

I did not make that connection between gaming and termination (because it’s unrelated). So, I continued doing this during the weekends. The following week, my Organic Chemistry lab started. Every Friday, I was supposed to write a post-lab report that is due at 12 at noon. Since I don’t have a job, I played video games in the background on Friday morning while reviewing lectures. Then, I forgot about the due date and thought it was due at midnight, I missed the deadline.

Tragedy struck after I played games in the background, twice. I knew it was suspicious, but I still couldn’t make the connection. Thus, I played games the following Saturday as well. I knew I had an exam coming up. Cell Biology (CELL 201) is a difficult course with heavy concepts to learn, I have not done any studying apart from watching professor’s lecture and time is approaching fast.

During Sunday, September 26th, the CELL 201 discord group decided to have a call and do the review problems. I joined that call, it lasted for about an hour. I did not understand a single thing people said. I’m definitely not ready to take the exam. Knowing that I have a lot of studying in the upcoming days, I decided to pray on my bed, I started praying and suddenly it struck me. I can feel the holy spirit, this is not my normal response to stress. It started with me praying on the bed, then I find myself kneeling on the floor, praying to God. Desperately talking to him to “repent my sins” of gaming in the background and realizing my 40 hours/week work has drastically crippled my academics. Although I don’t think gaming has crippled my academic as working, I knew gaming in the background is not pleasing to God. Even though I’m not playing the game directly, God still doesn’t want me to multitask and affect my academics. As said in statistics, correlation does not imply causation, these 2 tragedies are not directly linked to gaming, but it happened at the right time, like a sign from God. From that moment forward, I realized God has been telling me this the whole time and I need to stop gaming directly or indirectly. I prayed on the ground relentlessly to God to forgive my sins for working 40 hours/week and gaming.

After that prayer, I made the decision not to engage in any kind of gaming, regardless of device or method, and focus on studying. I knew I had to cover a lot of stuff, so I vacuumed my floor after playing, I found a piece that I’ve been looking for since I moved to Edmonton, in short, the thing is tiny, and it is damaged in transport. It’s like God’s temptation for me, but I rejected, I put it back and never touched it again. Suddenly, all the urge for me to play games has been gone, completely, it seems like a miracle to me that I would get off that game this easily.

For the rest of Sunday, Monday, and a little bit of Tuesday, I studied relentlessly to cover all the concepts, by the time of exam, I can solve the difficult practice problems that I did not understand before. The studying, assisted by God, has made me understand the cell biology concept in a deeper level. Thanks to God’s forgiveness, I managed to get 88% on the exam. It was better than what I expected. It is miraculous to me that on Sunday I knew nothing, and in such short period of time I was able to study and excel on the exam. Meanwhile, completely stop playing a game that I enjoyed for over a year. Just like that, when God says he doesn’t like it, it will be gone. Within a week, I unfollowed all the news, videos and friends related to that game to prevent me getting hyped from it; then it’s like the game never happened in my life.

It is God’s miracle and his signs that made drastic changes in me. The 2 tragedies occurred at the right time for me realize God does not please multitasking and gaming. And my repentance caused by holy spirit caused God to forgive my sins and allowed to excel on the exam in short period of times. After that incident, I vowed to God I would not play any games during weekdays, and it slowly turned to everyday. Right now, for more than 2 months, I have not touched a single game, mobile or PC in any ways.

God has a perfect plan for me, and everyone. The reason I was terminated from PresoTea is not because of humanly reasons; but God wants me to focus on my study and get the best GPA for Pharmacy, and not wanting me to work for a company that participate in illegal and suspicious practices. The reason why I’m struggling in school is not because I’m stupid, but God wants me to challenge myself and push harder, or to re-evaluate my study methods. The reason why I don’t have desired marks is because he wants me to realize I don’t pay attention to details, so I would be more cautious on bigger assignments. The story happened at CELL 201 exam, and quitting games is nothing short of a miracle.

有一天,我感受到了圣灵的存在,然后我意识到自己的错误并无情地向上帝祈祷。 那一刻,我突然停止了玩电子游戏的冲动。 上帝的同在是一种强大的力量,可以完成任何事情。


感觉不一样,很神奇。 无法用言语来形容,神是奇妙的。


祈祷! 你可能认为我不可能有如此严重的瘾。 但在神没有什么是不可能的。


上帝让我摆脱了游戏成瘾,感觉就像我变成了一个新人。 跟随他的道路,克服我的游戏成瘾,我有更多的时间来提高我的学业,结果不言而喻。

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”


Click the button below to translate into Chinese!

My name is Zhi Gang Li, I am the son of Feng Yun Yan, elder brother of Helena. I am living in Markham (one city of GTA). I graduated in 1988 and got an IT Master Degree, in 1998 I immigrated to Canada. Before I joined the church group in Toronto, I often asked myself, when things happened beyond my control, is that fate? Or is it part of God’s greater plan? So the more I ask, the more I don’t have the answer for. Feeling lost, searching for meaning in my life. After I joined my church group back home in Toronto, I have met many new friends and found great support in many ways. Listening to the sermon from my pastor, I looked within myself, and found that I am actually blessed in many ways. My loved ones are healthy, my mother has recovered from serious sickness and I couldn’t be more proud to see what my children have become. Ultimately the only thing I can say is, you have to believe, believe in God who sent his son Jesus Christ to us, and died for us, so that our sins can be washed away. Have faith in God, for He has a plan for all of us.

My name is Annie, and I have been in Canada for over ten years. I first came to Canada to help me and my parents decide where I should study for my graduate program. We visited and explored Canada and liked it very much.  We thought it was a safe, natural, and friendly environment, so I studied at the University of Victoria for one year.  I stayed with a family (my homestay) which was a Christian family. They influenced me and talked about God and the Church. Later, because of personal reasons, I decided to continue my studies in the USA. I studied at a private Christian university in California (La Sierra University) which made me understand more about God and the Holy Bible.   

After I finished my graduate program, I got an assistant professor job in Taiwan at a Buddhist university. I taught education concepts and some language programs. In my teaching programs, the schools concepts and principals would sometimes confused me. I was always facing the dilemma of Buddhist principals in contrast to Christian principals.       

In 2010, I decided to study an English business program.  I thought this would benefit my teaching skills and my personal career. Fortunately thereafter, I got a practicum job and the owner sponsored me on my application for permanent resident. Based upon all of these positive circumstances, I settled down in Alberta.  

In the beginning, I was alone in Edmonton because my family did not like the cold weather, and they were all in Taiwan. For many years, I thought I could do anything by myself, and that I did not need any help.  However, as times go by and I am getting older, I feel like I need more faith in my life.  In the past, I would sometimes feel worried and lost, not having anyone to lean on in the hard times. Sometimes I would struggle with my mistakes. I decided to take my faith more seriously this year. I turned to prayer, I turned to God, and found Him right there waiting for me. Now I can give my burdens to Him and He gives me the comfort I need in all the ups and downs of life. I want to be baptized because it is an act of obedience to Christ Jesus.

I would like to know more about the Church in general.  Every time I drive pass a church, I feel I would like to know more about it. I want to be baptized because I am completely ready and exhilarated to accept Jesus even further into my life. This decision has made a difference in my life because it makes me feel at peace.